First of all, the writer would like to thanks to Allah SWT and the prophet Muhammad SAW for the blessing during her academic year at English and Literature Department Faculty of Language and Arts (FBS) state University of Medan in completing the thesis. The writer is also very thankful to the following people:
- Dr. Syamsul Gultom, M.Pd., the Rector of State University of Medan
- Dr. Abdurahman Adisaputera, M.Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Language and Arts (FBS) State University of Medan for her advice and encouragement to complete the study.
- Dr. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., the Head of English and Literature Department .
- Nora Ronita Dewi S.Pd, S.S., M.Hum., the Head English Education program for their encouragement
- Rafika Dewi Nasution, S.Pd, M.Hum., the First Thesis Advisor who had already motivated her to finish the thesis by giving advice, supervising, comments and correction during completing this thesis.
- Rika, S.Pd., M.Hum., the Second Thesis Advisor by giving advices, supervising, comments and correction during completing this thesis.
- Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A., P.hD., the Validator for her researcher product, who had already given comments and correction.
- Eis Sri wahyu ningsih, M.Pd., and Pak Pantes, the Administration Staffs of English Department, who much helped her to fulfill this thesis.
- Her beloved parents, Ridwan Harahap and Jawiriah, who patiently give her encouragement, special care, support, affection, endless love and prayers as well as her beloved younger sister and younger brothers, Adisa Putri Harahap, Ahmad Ridho Harahap and Adrian Lufti Harahap who always give the best support and motivation all the time.
- Dra. Hj. Suriyati Tanjung, M.Pd., the headmaster of SMA Swasta Prayatna Medan and Firdawati, S.Pd. her validator and the English Teacher of SMA Swasta Prayatna Medan.
- SMA Swasta Prayatna Medan, the school that permit her for research
- All her students in tenth grade, the class to show media in your class.
- Her beloved friend, Suhendri S.Kom, who have became the best friends in every single situations and give support.
- Cintya Fatin, who have became the best sharing friends.
- Her beloved Bengbeng Squad, Ade Riska, Ade Irma, Asrita, Dinda, Maya, Ulfa, and Via, who always give support and love.
- English Education A’ 2015, as his great class for four years has been together.
The writer hopes this thesis will be useful and give positive
impact those who read it. Especially for the students of State University of Medan, Thank you.